Saturday 2 July 2011

It's not going so well...

July is here and, from what my veg mags tell me, I should be enjoying bountiful harvests by now...


The reality is: the sparrows have eaten all my peas, most of the strawberries ripened while we where on holiday (the black birds probably enjoyed those), the spinach has run to seed,the lettuce is growing soooo slow its getting eaten by the slugs, who also managed to get into my grow house ONE night and polished off all my cauliflowers and some of the broccoli, cabbage,sprouts and kale. On the positive side, I did run some of them over with the car! >:)

Still, the garlic and onions are doing well, the potatoes seem to be alright, my carrot seeds have finally emerged and I managed to harvest something:

These are the Jamie O one's I bought from Homebase. It was
a pack of mixed seed, quite exciting pulling them out,
always a suprise as to what you will get!
Only problem is I have nothing to eat them with!

At least our garden critters are getting a healthy diet! 

Right, off to search for recipes now... 

Wonder if I can find any for radish and strawberries?