Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Blog 3...

Oh man 3 blogs on the go.... Think I've started a new addiction, the blogaholic :-)

Anyway, I've had this ambition for a while now to grow vegetables in the back garden... or at least maybe have a garden that has more growing in it than grass and weeds... Plus a couple of apple trees...

So here we go, it's finally begun...

I bought a compost bin on Saturday and ordered some raised beds yesterday...

Today began the war of the weeds!!

Really need to order some soil/compost to fill the beds with when they arrive and probably need to get a coldframe of some kind so that I can begin sowing seeds.


  1. Good luck with this; it's a journey and a half!

    Oh, and it hurts too!

  2. Thank you, and good luck to you too! Yup, already felt some of the pain :-S
