Thursday, 24 March 2011

New beginnings...

So this blog has been neglected for sometime now... But while the blogging stopped, the gardening continued.

There were successes and failures... Biggest successes being the salad leaves and the courgettes. Both growing so well that it began going to waist. The failures being the butternut squash that got eaten as soon as it sprouted and the sweetcorn that grew but never got cobs.

We also enjoyed blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, onions, spring onions, leeks, cabbage, french beans, strawberries, radish, plum tomatoes, potatoes and probably others that I can't remember at the moment.

Another positive was that we managed to cancel a number of our organic veg deliveries, saving probably over £200... Not exactly a profit, but its good to have a hobby that will eventually pay for itself!

However, the gardening all came to an abrupt end when we went on holiday to sunny Florida. We had a great time in the 30 degree heat, but on our return I found that I was now too much of a wimp to face the cold British climate (-1, brrrrr!)... Of course a few weeks later we experienced the worst winter we have had since living here, temperatures plummeting to -15, snow reached waist height at our gate and 12 plus inches above our back door. The garden was pretty much inaccessible!

But now the sun is shinning again, at last! And the garden looks a bit of a mess again. Things have been flattened under the weight of the snow and weeds have started to grow from the time its been abandoned...

Spring has sprung, and now is the time for new beginnings :D

Bed 4 has been cleared of debris, mulched with a fresh layer of compost and planted up with some garlic :9 The birds had been doing their best to pull up said garlic, but now they are starting to grow nice green shoots and the birds seem to have forgotten about them.

My seed potatoes are chitting themselves XD and will be ready to go into the potato sacks again soon. Not sure what else I need to do at the moment... need to have a read of my gardening books and check my garden plan...

Well thats all for now, lets hope I can keep the blogging up this year!


1 comment:

  1. I've got a ton of jobs to do; it's never-ending at the moment.
